CTI Policies and Procedures
Proposed February 2021
This document is intended to identify the usual and customary manner in which the Company conducts business. The Bylaws supersedes this document in case of any conflict. Changes and amendments to this document may be proposed and approved during the same Board Meeting.
CTI is a volunteer, non-profit community theatre company which has set its mission to culturally enrich the community through participation in the development, advancement, and maintenance of a resident theatre company in Independence, Missouri.
CTI is committed to providing an environment devoid of discrimination and harassment of any kind for all participants, members, and audience members. CTI is committed to the principle of equal opportunity for all persons and to providing a creative work environment free of discrimination and harassment.
City Theatre, Inc. (CTI) recognizes the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The board and volunteers of CTI believe in the life-changing force of the arts to enrich lives and revitalize communities. We also recognize diversity’s value and critical role in helping our theater and community thrive.
CTI is committed to sustaining a diverse, inclusive, and equitable space where everyone who is involved feels valued and respected regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, education, or ability.
CTI is committed to building a stronger theater by ensuring that all voices have an opportunity to be heard and a safe environment to share ideas.
This Policy will be publicly available on our website. CTI will ensure that all participants will
receive a copy of this statement and make it clear that all participants are expected to play an active part in the implementation of this Policy and that they will never infringe the rights of others.
City Theatre, Inc. (CTI) will not in any instance tolerate bullying behavior. Anyone associated with CTI (elected officer, volunteer, member, or employee) found in violation of this policy will be disciplined, up to and including termination of employment (membership) or contract (whether written or verbally agreed). CTI endeavors to ensure that a safe and secure environment is provided for every person who wishes to participate with the company. The individual found in violation will be placed on membership probation for one calendar year following the incident and ineligible for membership privileges.
CTI defines bullying as the mistreatment of one or more people by one or more perpetrators, the use of aggression to hurt another person with any of the following:
Abusive conduct – Threatening, humiliating, or intimidating behaviors; work
interference/sabotage that prevents work from getting done, verbal abuse.
Emotional – excluding, tormenting.
Physical – Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures.
Sexual – Unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments.
Gender phobic – focusing on the issue of sexuality.
Religious – because of or focusing on the issue of faith.
Verbal – Name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors.
Cyber – All areas of virtual technology.
The CTI Executive Board will oversee the implementation and review of the Anti-Bullying Policy. Individuals who feel they have experienced bullying should report this to the VP of Production or Board of Directors before the conduct becomes severe or pervasive.
The person who is the initial contact point of the violation must make a written report.
After the incident has been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not occur.
The Executive Board will play an active part in the investigation process. This may be difficult if executive members are part of a claim. At that time, Board Member(s) At- Large may be asked to step in place of that executive member during the process.
CTI’s casting policy focuses on casting the best actors for each role. CTI will instruct our
directors that we are committed to racial, cultural, and artistic diversity, and they will be
required to embrace our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy at all times. CTI values
diversity, so casting will start from this position and always be open and neutral. Everyone is welcome and warmly encouraged to attend auditions. If specific race/ethnicity or other
characteristics are central to the story; we will clarify this in audition notices. The Policy will be communicated to all directors and auditionees.
The Vice President of Production will prepare a report for the Board. This report will confirm that there has been full compliance with the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy or will explain the circumstances of any breach and what action has been taken.
A Standing Committee is a committee specified in the CTI Bylaws. An Ad Hoc committee is called for by the President to perform a specific, time-limited task. Committee chairs are appointed annually by the CTI Board VP’s.
Committee members will be selected by the committee chair.
Committee Chairs will be provided with copies of the Bylaws and the P&P from the governing VP. It is expected that the P&P be reviewed together, and changes discussed.
Minutes will be kept for all committee meetings and presented to the Secretary.
The President shall:
Solicit agenda items from Board Members for meetings.
When a situation arises, which requires a non-financial decision prior to the next Board meeting, the President may make a decision, after consulting with the relevant Vice President and Committee Chair and report the action to the Board in the monthly Committee Reports.
When a situation arises, which requires an immediate expenditure or commitment of $300 or less, the President may authorize that expenditure with the approval of the Treasurer, the relevant Vice President and Committee Chair and inform the Board.
Appoint chairs for the Governance, Finance, Education and Ad Hoc committees
Coordinate CTI’s season production schedules with the Sermon Center Supervisor, the Children’s Performing Theatre, and Encore Players.
Liaison with Roger T. Sermon Center Staff and/or other theatre.
The President is entrusted with the keys to the Dempsey-Parish Theatre Support Center and, with approval of the Sermon Center Supervisor, the keys to the Sermon Center.
The President may authorize donations of Season Flex Passes to any bona fide charitable organization.
The President is the official spokesperson for CTI.
The President is an ex officio member of each committee.
The VPO is responsible for the oversight and success of activities by the Special Events, Membership/Volunteers, Box Office and Hospitality Committees.
Special Events/Awards Committee
Solicit and train Special Events committee members.
Meet with Treasure to assure proper Food Service licensing is in effect.
Plan and organize “Dinner Before the Show” for each production, including soliciting a caterer, set up and breakdown.
Plan and organize CTI’s Annual Gala.
Participate in and coordinate volunteers for Powerhouse Theatre Foundation’s Powerpalooza.
The Chair or their designee will report on any action, event or activity to the Board via the VPO.
Membership Committee Chair
Create and implement at least one membership drive.
Solicit and train Membership committee members.
Maintain membership application forms.
Provide representation at each performance to encourage membership in CTI.
Sell CTI paraphernalia at each performance.
The Chair or their designee will report on any action, event or activity to the Board via the VPO.
Create a membership application form for multi-media usage.
Maintain a comprehensive database of all Members.
The Chair or their designee will report on any action, event or activity to the Board via the VPO.
Lifetime Member Designation
A Member of CTI will be awarded Lifetime status to individuals above the age of 65 who have faithfully served the theatre on a non-paid basis for over 25 years.
Box Office Committee
Responsible for coordination ticket sales for each production, have appropriate messages recorded on the reservation line in a timely manner. Daily take reservations off the reservation line.
There will be two box office staff at the table on performance nights.
The committee members shall be trained in the reservation systems, the seating, and current ticket prices.
At the conclusion of each production or event, the chair or their designee, plus another committee member or Board member will count the money and complete a data sheet for submission to the Treasurer per the agreed upon system.
The Chair or their designee will report on any action, event or activity to the Board via the VPO.
Ticket and Reservations
Ticket prices for each Season will be determined by the Marketing and Finance Committees and the Executive Officers.
A discount will be offered to patrons 60 years or older, students with current school ID and Military Personnel.
Tickets reserved by telephone or website, but not paid for, will be held until 10 minutes prior to curtain for the performance, after which they may be made available to the public if seating is limited.
Tickets may be paid for in advance by mail or on the website. Tickets will be held at the box office.
Cancellation of a Scheduled Performance
A performance may be canceled under force majeure circumstances.
A decision to cancel is made by joint consultation of the Executive Committee and the Production’s Director. Every reasonable effort will be made to include all these people in the decision. When time is limited, the decision will be made among any subset of these people.
Once it has been determined that a performance is canceled, it is the Stage Manager’s responsibility to put a plan into effect to contact all cast and crew members.
The Marketing Chair will make the announcement in all media and other outlets.
The Treasurer will contact the rights holder to request a royalty refund within twenty-four hours of cancellation.
Tickets for the canceled performance may be exchanged for: a future performance of the same production, or a future production in the season.
Only upon request by the patron, will a refund be made by the Treasurer.
Rescheduling a Canceled Performance
Due to advance scheduling of the Powerhouse Theatre and limited flexibility within the schedule, CTI may be unable to reschedule a performance.
Marketing Committee Chair
Coordinates all aspects of Marketing for CTI.
Creates a committee of persons efficient in all aspects of the marketing outlets.
Creates and disseminates all notices and information for CTI.
Responsible for the Website and Social Media.
The VPP is responsible for the oversight and success of activities of the Costume Manager, Production Liaison and Season Selection Committee.
Shall coordinate with the Treasurer, and Director of each production to manage all aspects for each show.
Will conduct an exit interview after the close of each production on a mutually agreed time and place in coordination with the Production Liaison, Director and the Stage Manager.
Will prepare and update The Production Handbook using input from the Board.
Will set a meeting with all Production Directors.
Consult with Sermon Center staff as needed.
Ensure the qualification of and oversee all technicians.
Supervise and coordinate each strike.
Oversee storage and security of CTI properties.
In coordination with the Costume Manager and any other Warehouse Person, establish a written process for the loan or rental of Company property.
Conduct an annual inventory of consumables and bring stock up to the appropriate level in a timely, cost-conscious manner.
Be entrusted with the keys to the Dempsey-Parish Theatre Support Center and, with approval of the Sermon Center Supervisor, the keys to the Sermon Center.
Production Liaison
Assigned by the VPP for each production.
Assure that each production complies with contractual obligations, as well as CTI and Sermon Center rules.
Be available to production’s Director for questions and problem solving.
Work with the Director or her/his designee to ensure all waivers are signed, collected, and given to the Secretary or their designee.
Actors and crew
A Director who is new to CTI will be assigned either a Production Assistant or a Stage Manager from the Company.
Actors are expected to supply their own makeup and hair treatment, except for special effects.
All Production members will be required to sign a Release of Liability and submit to a background check if there is any person under the of seventeen (17) associated with the Production.
Parking policy
All cast and crew are asked to park in the lower, northeast parking lot adjacent to the Sermon Center. Cast or crew members needing accommodations with the appropriate license or hang tag are not held to this restriction.
Given security concerns, City Theatre encourages cast and crew to be mindful of the safety of each other and to remember “safety in numbers” when in the parking lots, especially after a performance. It is strongly suggested at night leaving the building in groups of at least two (2) or more.
Season Selection Committee Chair
Establishes a schedule of meetings, keeps and minutes of each meeting. The slate of shows for the season will be announced at the annual membership meeting.
The Chair of this committee will keep a database reflecting quotes for scripts, postage and royalties for shows being considered by the committee. Royalty estimates should be based upon a maximum of 180, with expected seating of 90 and eight scripts above those needed for the cast.
The Committee Chair will adhere to the directions provided from the Board.
The Chair and Executive Board solicits director applications and organizes the schedule for the interviews and will award the productions.
Costume Manager
Shall maintain, create an inventory and oversee all costumes and auxiliary items in relation to such.
Upon request from the Director of each production or their designee, will meet with and distribute costumes. Making a record of each item checked out and upon return.
Only the Costume Manager or their designee may loan out or disseminate any costumes for loan.
Hospitality Committee Chair
Solicit and train committee members.
During each performance of every CTI production, the Chair or designee will be on site.
Ensure that there are two (2) ushers at each performance.
Purchase supplies needed per performance, set up and operate concessions. Dispense all leftover food sources.
Turn over to the Treasurer all funds and receipts received from any production or event.
The Chair or their designee will report on any action, event or activity to the Board via the VPP.
Volunteer Committee Chair
Solicit and train committee members.
Maintain a comprehensive database of all volunteers.
The Chair or their designee will report on any action, event or activity to the Board via the VPP
Keep the Board apprised of any concerns or problems regarding the financial condition of the Company or of a particular production.
The Treasurer may approve moving a production expense from one-line item to another within the production budget, excluding honoraria, but may not create a new line item without Board approval.
After consultation with the Production Director, the Treasurer may reallocate distribution of honoraria.
The Treasurer collects all reimbursable production receipts by the end of the final performance and disburses all honoraria in an agreed upon means.
The Treasurer is expected to secure the performance rights for each production for the upcoming season with consultation with the VPP.
The Treasurer orders scripts.
The Treasurer will write a check for 10% of profits from each production to the Powerhouse Theatre Foundation and the agreed upon percentage of expenses incurred for the Dempsey Parish Theatre Support Center.
A financial audit will be conducted annually.
All receipts must be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
Receipts must be annotated with the purchaser’s name, purpose and clearly indicate the amount. If other non-CTI expenses are on the receipt, they must be subtracted out and the net amount being claimed must be clear.
Receipts for show related expenses will be submitted by the Director or their designee.
In the case of a lost or non-existent receipt, a note indicating the item, purpose, purchaser, and cost must be signed as approved by the Director.
All receipts will be paid if the responsible area’s budget is not exceeded. If the amount puts the area over budget, the Executive Board of Directors must approve the increase to the budget prior to the payment.
Board members and committee chairs are responsible for tracking the expenditures for their areas and staying within the season budget.
Emergency Expenditures
An emergency expenditure is defined to be a necessary, time-sensitive (within twenty-four hours or less) expense. If a majority of the Board of Directors are not available, the President or Treasurer, with one other Board Member, will join in discussion with the requester and may approve an expenditure of $300 or less, prior to the purchase.
The Treasurer will prepare Honoraria checks or distribute such by other predetermined means (ie. PayPal, or other electronic transfer) for distribution at the closing performance.
All persons who will receive an Honoria check must provide a W-9 prior to the receipt of that check.
Gifts and Donations
The Finance Committee defines donor classes.
When real object donation is made the donor must state the value of the donation.
For any donation, a thank-you letter to the donor will be sent and provided with the CTI tax ID number and the monetary value of the donation.
Donation ethics
Under no circumstances will a donation be used to influence CTI policy or any decision affecting a CTI production or accept a gift intended to buy favor.
Fundraising Committee Chair
Solicit, encourage and develop donations and contributions, to meet CTI purposes, goals and priorities.
Explore partnering relationships and opportunities in the community.
Pursue grant opportunities
Distribute Annual Membership and Board meeting minutes within two weeks after the meeting.
Maintain one hard copy of minutes to be stored at the Dempsey Parish Theatre Support Center for a permanent record.
Maintain and update all CTI mailing and email addresses. Review and revise the CTI directory.
Prepare the agenda in consultation with the President, solicit and distribute any documents pertinent to each meeting in a timely manner.
Maintain a supply of stationery, note cards, envelopes and business cards.
Hold signed “Release Agreements” for each person of each production. The “agreements” may be destroyed at the end of Production, barring any legal requirement.
Special Correspondence
In the event of death or the serious illness of a member, volunteer, or close family relation, the Secretary will acknowledge the situation, with a card or other contribution from CTI.
Distribute Annual Membership and Board meeting minutes within two weeks after the meeting.
Maintain one hard copy of minutes to be stored at the Dempsey Parish Theatre Support Center for a permanent record.
Maintain and update all CTI mailing and email addresses. Review and revise the CTI directory.
Prepare the agenda in consultation with the President, solicit and distribute any documents pertinent to each meeting in a timely manner.
Maintain a supply of stationery, note cards, envelopes and business cards.
Hold signed “Release Agreements” for each person of each production. The “agreements” may be destroyed at the end of Production, barring any legal requirement.
Special Correspondence
In the event of death or the serious illness of a member, volunteer, or close family relation, the Secretary will acknowledge the situation, with a card or other contribution from CTI.
Orientation of new Board members will be scheduled collaborative with the outgoing member and the newly elected person. The VP of a committee will orient Committee Chairs.
A Strategic Planning retreat will be scheduled for all VP’s, Committee Chairs and Committee Members annually.
Documents are to be maintained and stored in the Dempsey Parish Theatre Support Center at 203 N. Lynn, Independence, MO 64050 under the exclusive control of the CTI Executive Board. Documents are to include:
501 (c) (3) and Incorporation documents; the Policies and Procedures; Meeting Minutes; Financial Records; and Handbooks
These documents are to be maintained in accordance with established legal requirements.
City Theatre is a 501c3 organization as designated by the IRS and as such contributions are tax-deductible to the extent and manner allowed by law.
Recording of productions or rehearsals using any form of technology now in use or with future innovations are not allowed. The only exception is if the granting licensing agent is in agreement and the proper protocols are met.
Photographs will be taken of each production for historical records and advertising by a designee from the Marketing Committee.
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