Become a Donor

Your donations and support of community theatre makes it possible for us to continue our mission.

City Theatre is a 501c3 organization as designated by the IRS and as such contributions are tax-deductible to the extent and manner allowed by law.

We are willing to adjust any benefits to best suit your philanthropic objectives.

Donor Levels


$20 – $99

– Your name listed in Playbill and on the Special Donor Page on the website

Featured Role

$100 – $249

– “Donor Card” for two (2) free concession items per show ($10 value)
– Invitation to Special Events

Supporting Role

$250 – $499

– Reserved Seating and two (2) tickets to Special Events

Leading Role

$500 – $999

– Two (2) tickets to the Annual Gala
– Two (2) tickets to one (1) Dinner Theatre of your choice

Rising Star Role

$1,000 – $4,999

– Two (2) additional tickets to the Annual Gala
– One-half page approved advertisement in the Playbill ($180 value)

Shooting Star


– Full Page approved advertisement in the Playbill ($250 value)
– Ten (10) tickets to the Annual Gala
– Your logo on website and all advertising
– Personal acknowledgment in each curtain speech
