Get Involved

Everything you see and don’t see depends on the assistance of CTI volunteers. Performing on stage, directing, working backstage, planning CTI activities, serving on the CTI Board….there are so many opportunities to get involved.

The City Theatre of Independence is always actively seeking people interested bettering the Independence community through live theatre…and who want to have fun doing it!

Stay In the Know!

Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, and also let us know if you would like additional notices for volunteer information, director information.

A member is a volunteer, and can be anyone that is interested in working with a good group of other volunteers that are interested in bettering their Community Theatre.

Do you know how many people it takes to put on a show? The actors you see on stage are only a fraction of the people involved in creating each production.

Every show needs a director for each full-length plays. Each production takes numerous people to make the details happen.

Crew Members
Do you have an interest in sound, music, or promotional recording? Are you passionate about lights, fashion, organizing, or photography? We have opportunities for people who sew, paint, decorate, or have carpentry skills. 

CTI invites you to volunteer with our members and learn how you can turn your interest, skills and hobbies into a valuable asset for City Theatre of Independence.